Clark Dietz highlights a significant milestone in the River Road Bridge project, marking the completion of the bridge deck pour. This milestone is a pivotal step towards the full replacement of the River Road Bridge and critical enhancements aligning with IDOT’s I-80 widening project.

Project Overview

The River Road Bridge project, part of Clark Dietz’s Phase III Construction Inspection Services, involves extensive improvements to accommodate future traffic demands and enhance safety along the I-80 corridor. The new bridge will feature 11-foot lanes, 4-foot shoulders, and a 10-foot multi-use path on the east side, supported by 40-inch web plate girders spanning 234 feet. Additionally, a soldier pile retaining wall is being constructed to manage the grade change and support the new roadway alignment approaching I-80.

Importance to IDOT’s I-80 Widening Project

This project is crucial within IDOT’s broader plan to widen I-80, ensuring seamless integration and minimal disruption to traffic flow during construction. The bridge’s completion will be another infrastructure element that will help set the stage for the corridor’s enhancement.

Previous Milestones and Progress

Previously, we highlighted the strategic importance of the River Road Bridge project in our commitment to infrastructure improvements along I-80. Key aspects include pavement reconstruction, shoulder construction, guardrail replacement, storm sewer installation, erosion control, and final landscaping. Efficient traffic detours have been implemented to facilitate construction while minimizing disruptions.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, our team remains dedicated to upholding the highest standards of quality and efficiency. The successful completion of the River Road Bridge project will not only enhance local infrastructure but also prepare the area for future growth and development. We would like to thank our teaming partners for the continued success of this project. SE3 LLC, RGE Engineering, STV, Inc., Millennia Professional Services, and Sanchez & Associates.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey towards completing this vital infrastructure project.

Clark Dietz Project Manager and Resident Engineer: Al Lapinskas, PE

River Road Bridge over I-80 completes deck pour

River Road Bridge over I-80 completes deck pour

River Road Bridge over I-80 completes deck pour