Clark Dietz, in collaboration with the Village of Savoy and the City of Champaign, is thrilled to have received the 2024 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award for the Curtis Road Grade Separation and Complete Streets Project. This prestigious award was presented at the ASCE Central Illinois Section Annual Banquet in Springfield and recognizes the exceptional design, innovation, and impact of this transformative project. The Curtis Road project, which has been in development for decades, serves as a vital infrastructure improvement for the entire Champaign-Urbana-Savoy region.

The Curtis Road Corridor has long been a critical east-west arterial route, connecting key areas of Champaign, Urbana, and Savoy. With the addition of the Curtis Road Interchange on Interstate 57 in 2008, the corridor became even more essential to regional transportation and economic growth. Clark Dietz, retained by the Champaign-Urbana Urbanized Area Transportation Study (CUUATS) as early as 1998, played a leading role in the planning and design of the corridor’s improvements. The final phase, which involved constructing a railroad-grade separation to eliminate a hazardous at-grade crossing, was instrumental in enhancing safety and mobility for all users.

This project delivers significant benefits, including improved safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles, as well as reduced delays for both motorists and emergency services. The complete streets approach ensures that the corridor is accessible to all, prioritizing multimodal transportation options and aligning with the community’s long-term vision.

The improvements also include a mile of roadway upgrades and two miles of railroad improvements, addressing longstanding challenges in the area. By focusing on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving access from I-57 to key regional destinations, the Curtis Road Grade Separation and Complete Streets Project makes a positive environmental and economic impact.

A major milestone in the project’s funding was the successful acquisition of a $22.6 million USDOT RAISE grant in 2023, which allowed the Village of Savoy to complete the project as envisioned. The grant, combined with additional local and federal funding, helped to make this ambitious infrastructure improvement a reality. The project’s design also incorporates future-forward technologies such as solar lighting, automated pedestrian detection, and conduit for future fiber optic broadband deployment, ensuring the corridor remains adaptable for years to come.

Sustainability was a core consideration throughout the design process, with the project adhering to the Champaign County Regional Environmental Framework (REF). By following these sustainability guidelines, the Curtis Road Corridor sets a benchmark for future infrastructure projects in the region. These innovations not only create a safer, more efficient transportation network today but also position the region to thrive in the future as technology and environmental considerations continue to evolve. This award is a testament to the dedication, expertise, and vision of all the partners involved.